YouTube Verification Badge:

If you are the owner of a business or have a personal brand, getting your YouTube channel verifiedshould be on top of the list of the things you should be doing for your channel promotion. It is one of the best ways of building trust with your viewers and instantly turning into a source they can count on.
Having the small blue tick of verification next to your YouTube logo can further pave your way to success on your YouTube growth journey. If you are a beginner on this platform, you may not be familiar with the concept or the benefits of having your account verified by Google. In this article, we will be trying to answer all your possible questions about the verification badge.

What is a verification badge?
YouTube Blue Badge or Verification Badge shows that you are the official account of a famous person or a channel working on a specific business or brand. This will be shown by a small checkmark showing next to your name in YouTube that makes you stand out from all the other pages with similar names, the fan pages you may have, or the imposters. Having that small grey or blue badge makes you more acceptable
and trustworthy in YouTube platform.

How many types of verification are there?
Basically, there are two types of verification on YouTube. You can verify your account and get a grey verification checkmark. Almost anyone with a proper channel can do this part. It shows that your  account belongs to a human-being and not a robot. To do this, you will have to enter a phone number in your account and enter the code sent to you and you are done!
The type of verification that is the main subject of this article, is having your channel verified and receiving a badge. To do this, your channel must meet certain eligibility criteria and you will need to fill out a form. YouTube will go through your request and if you meet all the requirements, your account will be verified and you’ll get your badge, this time a blue one.

What are the benefits of having verification badge?
As mentioned earlier, a channel verification badge doesn’t only show that you are running the official page of a brand, you should consider this as a way of getting more reputation and fame in YouTube.
Getting more likes, views and subscribers are only a few of the advantages having a blue badge can bring about for you. Once you get a verification badge your content will be viewed more as your channel will show up on top of the results when a user types in something and searches a topic. The obvious result of this is that you will get more and more subscribers and will benefit from a boosted watch time.
Apart from all this, once the audience notices your blue badge, they will attribute it to a better reputation and status and will affect them enormously in building trust.

What are the requirements of getting a verification badge?
To be eligible for getting a verified badge you need to meet certain criteria. Complete and active profile: All the parts of your profile including your profile picture, channel art, and a description should be filled out. You also need to have previously uploaded videos on a regular basis to be eligible. Authenticity: You should be who you claim to be! YouTube will make sure you this is the case and will do its research. Subscribers: 100,000 subscribers on your channel is the most important requirement here. However, if you are a famous figure outside YouTube, but you haven’t reached your first 100K subscribers, you will still be eligible for getting your channel verified. This may also raise the question why are there channels with much more than 100k subscriber and no verification badge? The possible answers to this question are: a) the owner didn’t want it and didn’t bother to request it. b) Their request was rejected for some reason. c) their badge was retrained because they overstepped some red lines. If you have the pre requirements, you need to apply for it by filling out the forms and submitting your request. This part is where our team enters. One of the services we offer our clients is taking charge of this process and making it as short as possible for you.

How long does it take to get the verification badge?
After you have applied for the badge with our team, your channel will be verified in less than 2 months, provided you have all the necessary requirements. After that, you only need to be patient to reap the rewards as soon as possible.

The bottom line
To get to the point where you can make noticeable amounts of money on your YouTube channel, you need to make sure that you have taken all the necessary steps. One of these steps can be getting your channel verified by YouTube. However, it is not all about the money. The verification badge can give you a more prestigious look on YouTube and make you look more trustworthy. This will all work hand in hand to give your channel a boost in terms of its viewers, likes and comments and result in a more rapid growth. In this article, we tried to give you all the necessary information to get you an idea of how it works.