
Starting my activity at a very young age, I Ehsan Rezaei, launched into the textile and food production fields. However, I faced many challenges during this time, including Irans unstable economic framework, annual inflation, and various financial difficulties.

Regarding these  limitations, I was forced to close factory operations and decide to migrate. In 2015, after my immigration, I started my career as a YouTube content producer while pursuing a management doctorate. Seeking professional possibilities on YouTube seems highly attractive to all people, especially those from third-world nations, regarding the potential to generate profits in United States currency. After successfully managing my personal YouTube channels, I began my professional career as a YouTube content strategist. I started teaching sessions on YouTube content creation for the Iranians two years ago.

During the first year, I offered free YouTube education to people who expressed a keen interest. Within this short time, I generated income from two channels and weekly shared their results through Google Analytics. The YouTube channels mentioned above were found to have generated income within two months, thereby creating an idea among interested people that earning income through this platform is possible.

Since starting my teaching career, I have offered six courses via YouTube, two of which were free. The latest addition to my works on YouTube is a business-oriented activity, YouTube Business, which will be introduced this spring. Currently, I have 32,000 students, with a subsetof 1,000 people having gained income from their activities on the YouTube platform. Thesepeople live within the outer distances of Iran, including even the most remote villages located within the country.

Furthermore, I have 100 people contracted and paid after completing YouTube preparation courses.